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A celebration of art, Architecture, Interior Design, and the outdoors.


Located near downtown Broad Ripple, parallel to the Monon Trail, the Pop-Up Outdoor show will be held at a local architect/artist’s home. There will be sculptures in several locations around the property, food, drinks, and more!


Wes Janz, former professor of architecture, and Marcia Stone, Educator at the Indianapolis Arts Center, are the property owners of the site. They have done an unimaginable amount of work to their home and property. They focus on working with the land they are given and preserving important elements of the nature around them.

The property is right along the Monon trail and a short walk from the Indianapolis arts center.


A small amount of parking is available closer to the property is available on 71st street (the west side of Westfield Blvd., it is an access road to the Monon trail.) There is some parking on the street in the adjacent neighborhood.


We apologize for any inconvenience but the property is not 100% handicap accessible. Due to the topography of the site, the gallery trail is a mild hike. Guest will still be able to view some pieces along paved, assessible areas of the site.



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More information about the design and build of this property at:



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